Interior Design Consultancy Services and Realization

Often a lot can be achieved with very little, but sometimes we simply lack the inspiration to devise innovative solutions.

I will gladly take care of your interior design projects from start to finish or, if you prefer, assist you in specific areas at your request.

Once you have shown me your dream home, we can then define your style and look at your residential or business situation together. Working off the building plans, I will put forward an initial analysis, draw up a concept for a unique interior while taking into account your budget, and visualize this for you by means of mood boards and sketches.

The details are not the details. They make the design.

Charles Eames, Designer

Whilst on site, we will then go over any design changes so as to ultimately create a coherent, harmonious spatial setting that reflects who you are. By rearranging the layout of the existing furniture and accessories, we can achieve a completely new feeling within your home, discuss any new purchases, color changes, lighting elements or structural measures.

I work closely with competent professionals throughout the whole process, such as carpenters, painters, electricians and tailors. I call upon their services for specific tasks upon request in order to complete the project