Color Schemes

Colors evoke certain moods and different atmospheres because they influence both our physical and mental state. However, not all colors affect everybody in the same way and not every room can carry off any color. A solution to these complex interrelations can only be developed by focusing on the specific property and the people who live or work there.

The location of a building and its surroundings play an equally important role in finding the right color scheme as the personal preferences of the occupants. Likewise, the interiors, their function, size, alignment and lighting conditions are just as decisive as the characters of the people residing in them.

Not every color that is “in” turns out to be the right solution for a room. That is why understanding color theory, combined with experience and a trained eye, is worth its weight in gold when it comes to making the right decisions. If you want to bring color into your life, but are not quite sure about the possible effect, I am happy to provide you with the necessary assistance and advice.

The sheer existence of color psychology and color therapy, recognized for many years, is indirect proof that colors influence our feelings..

Heinz Kellner, Swiss painter